Selasa, 11 Agustus 2020

Tukang Taman Tangerang Ahlinya Tanaman dan Taman Hias

Selamat Datang Di Tukang Taman Tangerang Ahlinya Tanaman dan Taman Hias

Tukang Taman Tangerang Ahlinya Tanaman dan Taman.Jasa Pembuatan taman murah & berkualitas jasa landacape murah,berkualitas,dan profesional,

Tukang Taman adalah tukang taman yang menawarkan jasa pembuatan taman,baik itu taman dengan skala besar,kecil,ataupun sedang,Tukang Taman tenaga kerja yang Ahli,Handal,Profesional dan pasti berkualitas,untuk pelayanan kami yang tersedia antara lain,Seperti:

Tukang Taman Tangerang Ahlinya Tanaman dan Taman Melayani:

Jasa Pembuatan Taman Hias, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Minimalis, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Gedung, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Kantor, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Mall, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Apartemen, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Vertical, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Kering, Jasa Pembuatan Kolam Minimalis, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Kolam Renang, Jasa Pembuatan Relief Cadas dan lain-lain yang berhubungan dengan usaha kami.

Tukang Taman Tangerang Ahlinya Tanaman dan Taman Menyediakan atau Menjual Aneka Jenis Tanaman seperti:

Tanaman Hias, Tanaman Pohon Pelindung, Tanaman Rambat, Tanaman Bunga, Tanaman Buah, Tanaman Bambu dan lain-lain.

Tukang Taman juga menyediakan Aneka Jenis Rumput seperti Rumput Gajah Mini, Rumput Jepang, Rumput Gajah Mini Varigata, Rumput Gajah Biasa, Rumput Babat, Rumput Golf dan lain-lain.


  • Menjaga sumber air pegunungan dari erosi
  • Rumput vetiver dapat tumbuh di lahan kering sekalipun mengandung pasir
  • Rumput vetiver merupakan tanaman sejenis sereh wangi yang sangat banyak sekali manfaatnya selain untuk menanggulangi bahaya longsor dapat juga untuk kerajinan tangan yang akar nya banyak di manfaatkan. dan akarnya yang wangi sangat memiliki harga jual yang tinggi karna akarnya mengandung minyak vetiver dan pengendali erosi.


Rumput vetiver , atau yang di kenal juga dengan akar wangi, dapat tumbuh di perbukitan, daratan rendah bahkan di daerah rawa, atau pada tanah yang kondisinya buruk ( bekas tambang ) baik di daerah dengan curah hujan rendah maupun curah hujan tinggi. Sejak sebuah perang dunia II akar vetiver di ambil minyaknya ( minyak atsiri ) akar vetiver menyebar luas di dalam tanah dengan panjang akar mencapai 3 meter. Hal ini sangat membantu menstabilkan tanah, vetiver dengan akarnya yang panjang menghujam kedalam tanah dapat di jadikan alternatif pengendalian longsor yang cukup murah, vetiver dapat membantu menstabilkan tebing jalan maupun lereng lereng perbukitan , caranya adalah dengan menanamnya sebagai strip rumput yang di tanam dengan cara memotong lereng atau mengikuti kontur. Jarak strip atau penanaman yaitu 20 cm tiap titik di isi dengan bibit ( pe rumpun ) rumput vetiver.

Jasa Landscape Murah - Jasa Tukang Taman Tangerang

kami tukang taman group melayani jasa tukang taman, tanam rumput, tanam pohon, perapihan lahan, jasa pembuatan taman, kolam minimalis, kolam ikan hias, kolam ikan koi, kolam relief, saung, gazebo, carpot, dsb.

Kami pun menjual rumput taman :
- Rumput gajah mini
- Rumput gajah mini varigata
- Rumput gajah biasa
- Rumput jepang ( peking )
- Rumput menila
- Rumput babat
- Rumput swiss
- Rumput golf
- Rumput embun
- Rumput sintetis dengan aneka jenis.

Kami pun menjual aneka jenis tanaman hias, tanaman peneduh/pelindung.

Harga kami berani bersaing, apabila harga yang kami tawarkan lebih mahal dari yang lain. kami siap revisi harga penawaran kami.

Tukang Taman adalah profesional di bidang pertamanan, jasa pembuatan taman, kami menjual berbagai macam tanaman hias, tanaman pelindung, tanaman perdu, tanaman bonsai, tanaman air, tanaman buah, serta bibit tanaman, rumput, pot tanaman, pupuk tanaman, perawatan tanaman, menjual tanah untuk perataan lahan taman, pembuatan kolam, kolam minimalis, kolam relief, kolam air mancur, kolam kendi hias, kolam ikan modern/minimalis, pembuatan saung bambu, gazebo kelapa, pagar rumah.

Harga pembuatan taman Tangerang

Untuk harga pembuatan taman dapat dibicarakan setelah di dapat data dari survey yang kami lakukan, yaitu mengenai luas lahan, keadaan lahan, jenis dan jumlah tanaman yang harus digunakan (survey GRATIS). Kemudian kami mengajukan penawaran harga yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan taman yang anda harapkan.

 Jasa tukang taman dan tanaman hias di Tangerang

Cara Mudah Menanam Rumput Gajah Mini:

Rumput gajah ada beberapa macam; salah satunya rumput Gajah biasa, Rumput Gajah Mini (daunnya berwarna hijau saja dan bentuknya lebih kecil dibanding rumput gajah biasa sehinga tidak cepet panjang dan mudah merawatnya) dan Gajah Mini Varigata (bentuk daun sama dengan gajah mini, tetapi ada warna putih disetiap pinggir daunnya.

Untuk mulai menanmnya kita persiapkan:

  1. Rumput untuk bibit, untuk mendapatkannya bisa minta sama tetangga atau beli ditempat yang menjual rumput. Tukang Taman yang menyediakan lengkap segala macam Rumput, tanaman hias, pohon pelindung dan peneduh.
  2. Persiapkan lahan yang mau ditanami, pastikan lahan sudah bersih tidak ada puing", tidak ada alang" atau rumput liar dan sudah digemburkan, untuk memudahkan kita bisa mengurugnya dengan tanah yang baru atau bagus.
  3. Menanam, jika lahan sudah siap barulah bisa memulai untuk menanam dengan jarak tidak terlalu rapat dan tidak terlalu jarang.
  4. Ditumbuk atau dipadatkan, gunanya agar rumput yang sudah ditanam agar lebih merekat pada tanah tidak mudah lepas saat disiram. Rumput tidak akan mati karena cara penumbukannya dengan cara hati".
  5. Menyiram, setelah selesai proses penumbukan diharuskan segera disiram, agar rumput tidak stres bahkan mati dan kembali segar.
  6. Pupuk, berikan pupuk urea yang sudah dicampur dengan air agar rumput yang baru ditanam mendapatkan asupan gizi yang baik.

Demikian cara mudah menanam rumput gajah mini. Selamat mencoba semoga halaman anda menjadi lebih indah dan sejuk dipandang mata.


0813 8108 0939


Selasa, 07 Juli 2020

Jasa Seo Marketing Murah Terbaik

SEO adalah industri yang terus berubah. Strategi yang dahulu kita kerjakan saat memulai bisnis awal, hal tersebut tidak akan sama dengan hari ini. Dengan lebih dari cukup pengalaman di industri jasa seo murah ini, kami telah melihat perubahan besar kami. Perubahan tidak bisa dihindari di dunia pemasaran digital, dan apa yang membuat kita menjadi pemimpin industri adalah kemampuan kita untuk menyesuaikan dan merespons algoritma dan praktik terbaik Google yang sedang berkembang. Kami akan selalu mengoptimalkan website klien kami untuk memastikan mereka tetap berada di depan persaingan.

Apa yang dahulu hanya permainan menemukan kata kunci yang tepat tetapi sekarang sekarang merupakan proses yang kompleks yang melibatkan banyak bidang dan keahlian. Tanpa kata kunci tidak ada SEO, tapi bila Anda cukup menggunakan kata-kata di halaman Anda saja, itu juga tidak akan cukup lagi. Tujuan jasa seo indonesia kami adalah membantu bisnis Anda berkembang, dan kami melakukannya dengan meningkatkan rangking website Anda, mengarahkan lebih banyak lalu lintas ke situs Anda, memberikan pengalaman hebat bagi para pengunjung Anda, dan membantu mengubah pengunjung tersebut menjadi pelanggan bisnis Anda. Yang harus Anda lakukan hanyalah fokus pada bisnis Anda yang serahkan kepada jasa seo murah kami.

Proses inovasi Marketing kami adalah hasil dari pengalaman yang lebih dari cukup dalam indusri jasa seo ini. Kami percaya pada nilai untuk mengungkapkan beragam pendapat kami, berbagi pengalaman dengan klien masa lalu atau strategi baru, menjaga agar pembaca tetap mengetahui berita industri terbaru, dan mengajarkan yang lain mengenai nilai SEO dan tip tentang cara menerapkannya dengan benar.

SEO sangat besar manfaatnya untuk meningkatkan popularitas dan eksistensi usaha online yang anda kelola. Untuk itu, mintalah kepada jasa seo profesional yang Anda sewa rekomendasi pemilihan niche dan keyword yang sesuai dengan niche yang anda pilih, sehingga optimisasi website/blog anda akan lebih efektif.

Sabtu, 07 Desember 2019

Not Careful in Nail Care, Risk of Fungal Infection

In addition to hair and face, nails also need treatment. Some women are willing to spend hours just to beautify their nails. Indeed, having beautiful and healthy nails can make you feel happy and confident. Only, too often do nail care can put you at risk of nail fungus. If you often go to the salon to take care of your nails, you must be careful. Fungal nails can be transmitted through unclean nail care tools, such as scissors and foot baths. Normally, healthy nails look soft and have a consistent color.

Causes and Symptoms of Nail Fungus

Abnormalities in the nails of the hands and feet can provide information about your health condition. The disorder can be an infection or injury to the nail. However, sometimes abnormalities that appear on the nails can also indicate a more serious health disorder. Infections that often occur in nails are fungal infections. Medically, nail fungus is known as onychomycosis (onychomycosis) or tinea unguium. Some signs that you have a nail fungus infection include brittle nails, white or yellowish nails, red or black nails due to blood clots (hematoma) under the nails, brown nails due to psoriasis, swelling and redness. the skin around the nails is called paronychia and recurrent and chronic trauma to the nails. Usually, a nail fungus infection starts from the tip of the nail, then spreads to the center. Nails change color and are easily removed or peeled off. Infection of the nails causes the nails to become brittle, and cause pain and swelling of the skin around the nails. Fungi are normally found in your body, and can thrive in a warm and humid environment. Nail fungus infections occur as a result of excessive mold growth on your nails. The fungus that infects the nails can come from a fungus that is already present in or on the surface of your body. In addition, the fungus can also come from other people who are infected with the fungus. Some people are at high risk of getting nail fungus infection, for example diabetics, people with abnormalities in blood circulation, aged over 65 years, using artificial nails, swimming in public swimming pools, experiencing nail injuries, experiencing skin injuries around the nails, leaving fingers or feet that are damp for a long time, have a weak immune system, and wear fully closed shoes like tennis shoes or boots.

Nail Fungus Is Not The Same As A Skin Fungus

If you think that nail fungus and skin fungus are the same, you are wrong. Nail fungus and skin fungus are very different, so is the treatment. This difference, besides of course, lies in the location where the fungus is located, also in the causes and symptoms caused by the fungus. Nail fungus infections are usually caused by dermatophyte fungi, whereas skin fungi are caused by candida fungi. For skin fungus, some of the symptoms that arise are rash, cracks in the skin, pain, red and white lesions, and others. As for nail fungus, symptoms such as nails appear thick, brittle, dull and not glowing, and the dark color under your nails. In addition, skin fungus tends to be more common in babies and overweight people, whereas nail fungus is more common in adults than children. Skin fungus also tends to cause itching, whereas nail fungus infections usually do not cause pain and itching. Skin fungus treatment can usually use over-the-counter medicines, for example using ketoconazole or clotrimazole, as well as antifungal drugs such as azoles and miconazole. Most of these drugs will be used once or twice a day. As for nail fungus infections, you can use antifungal drugs, such as antifungal in the form of nail varnish or topical solution for nails containing lactic acid, propylene glycol and urea. Nail fungus treatment is also very dependent on the type of fungus that causes the infection, as well as the severity of the infection that occurs. If the infection is very severe, doctors will usually prescribe antifungal drugs such as terbinafine, itraconazole, fluconazole, griseofulvin. The condition of your nails can reflect your cleanliness and health. Therefore, take good care of your nails so they can look clean, healthy and beautiful. Some of these ways can make your nails look healthy and beautiful, including:
  • Don't cut the cuticle (a thin, dead layer on the edge of the nail), because the cuticle is a natural barrier to mold and bacteria. By cutting it off, it makes the protection disappear.
  • Use enough nail polish or not at all.
  • Moisturize nails and their culture, especially after cleaning nail polish. Because most nail polish cleaners contain chemicals that dry the nails.
  • Take biotin supplements, which are part of vitamin B. This can increase nail thickness and prevent nail damage.
  • Limit professional nail care. This is because exposure to chemicals can make nails dry and brittle. If you must and are accustomed to going to a nail salon, make sure some things such as the experience or license of the nurse and nail staff, cleanliness of the hands of nail nurses, and also the cleanliness of the tools used.
  • Avoid acetone-based nail polish remover, because it can make nails become brittle.
  • Don't wash your hands too often and limit the use of cleaning agents that contain chemicals.
  • Don't bite your nails.
  • Routinely cut the nails of the hands and feet with nail clippers or manicure scissors. Don't forget to smooth the nail tip with sandpaper. The best time to do this is after bathing, when the nails are softer.
To prevent nail fungus infection or damage that may appear on the nails, you are advised to be more careful in treating it. If abnormal symptoms develop on your nails, consult your doctor immediately for proper treatment.

Mother, Recognize Your Baby's Signs Are Experiencing Growth Spurt

Little is suckling more than usual, as if hungry all the time? It could be that he experienced growth spurt or accelerated growth. There is nothing to worry about Mother, growth spurt is a normal thing in baby's growth and development. Come on Mother, check for other signs of growth spurt in infants. The most significant physical growth generally occurs during the first year of life of the Little One. When a baby experiences growth spurt, the baby's body will gain weight and length and his head circumference will increase in size, faster than usual. This growth spurt tends to occur at certain times such as when babies are 2 weeks, 3 weeks and 6 weeks old. Then growth spurt can occur again when the baby is 3 months and 6 months old. Growth spurt can last for 1-2 days in newborns, up to a week in older babies. So that you do not panic when growth spurt takes place, recognize the following signs.
  • Little One Continues to Breastfeed

  • When her body is growing rapidly, it is natural for the baby to need more breastfeeding. If usually the portion of a baby breastfeed about 8 times a day, when growth spurt can be 12-14 times a day. Nursing schedule routines can also change. This is the most striking sign of growth spurt. To sustain growth and development, the mother needs to breastfeed whenever and as much as anything the baby needs. Production of breast milk (ASI) will usually adjust to the needs of your child. As for babies who are breastfeeding formula milk, giving an extra bottle for several days is considered sufficient to meet their needs.
  • Fuss and Ask for More Attention

  • Babies may become more restless and want to stick to the mother. He wants to be hugged and held all the time, and cry when put. Little also be excited in front of the breasts, so it looks very hungry. Not yet known with certainty the cause of change in the behavior of the Little One. The possibility of the baby feeling tired and overwhelmed because his energy is drained for very fast growth. Another possibility is that your child will reach a certain stage of development, such as rolling or crawling.
  • Sleep Patterns Changed

  • A few days before and during a growth spurt, your little one may look more sleepy and sleep longer than her daily life. A study shows that during growth spurt, babies can sleep up to 4.5 hours longer than usual. This is good for growth because during deep sleep, the brain produces growth hormone or human growth hormone (HGH). However, there are also types of babies who sleep less during growth spurt. He may stay up longer during the day or often wake up at night. For example, he woke up to ask for suckling. This is also normal.

Meet the needs of the child

Just follow all the needs of the little one who is growing up. He tells the mother of all her needs through cues, whether to want more suckling, more hugged or held, a quiet time to take a nap, bigger clothes and so on. Facing this condition may be very consuming energy mother. Therefore, sleep whenever your child sleeps, drink lots of water, and consume nutritious food. This is indeed easier said than done. However, be patient because growth spurt only lasts a while and later he will calm down. However, if your baby has signs of growth spurt above, but is accompanied by fever, lethargy, or very fussy, he may be unwell. It is important to remember, growth spurt is not the only cause of babies becoming fussy. Going, teething, mild illness, or changes in routine can also affect the baby's diet, sleep, and behavior. We recommend that you immediately consult a pediatrician, if your baby has a fever and fuss or shows unhealthy symptoms.

Relactation, How To Breastfeed Back After Quitting

The process of breastfeeding does not always run smoothly. Mothers could have experienced obstacles, such as the cessation of production of breast milk altogether. If you have this, breastfeeding can stop for some time. However, for any busui who is determined to continue breastfeeding, there is always a second chance: relactation!

Triggering the release of breast milk

Termination of the unplanned breastfeeding process can be due to various reasons, for example mothers who must be separated from the baby for work, hospitalization or other things. Stress can also affect the flow of breast milk. Meanwhile, the decision not to breastfeed immediately after the baby is born or other breastfeeding problems occur, can also make breast milk stop flowing. Regardless of the underlying reasons, breastfeeding can begin again with relactation. The term relactation refers to efforts so that breasts that had stopped producing milk, can re-issue milk. Keep in mind that this effort can produce different results for each person, so do not expect instant results, this effort may take several weeks, depending on the age factor of the baby, the time lag stop breastfeeding, and the breast breastfeeding condition. Because of these factors, the milk that comes out later cannot always be relied upon to meet the full needs of the baby. However, relactation can still maintain the relationship between mother and baby.

Relactation Steps

Come on, Mother, do some of the following relactation steps with optimism.
  • Often attach mother's nipples to the baby's mouth. If he wants to cling and suck, feed him every two hours for 15-20 minutes. However, if Little is not interested, do not force but do not give up. Try again when he looks happy or sleepy. The more often the baby feeds directly, the more milk it will be possible to flow again.
  • Breastfeeding babies at night. This can have a strong influence on milk production.
  • Make baby's skin contact with the skin of the mother. This contact can be done by the mother and baby in a naked state so that skin contact occurs. Positions that you can do, for example in a state of lying and then put the baby on your chest. In order not to get cold, cover with a blanket.
  • Apply breast milk to the nipple before breastfeeding. If the breast can produce milk, squeeze a little before thrusting the breast to the baby.
  • Between breastfeeding, try to express milk. Blushing can be done using a pump or by hand. This act of flushing the breast can stimulate the breast to produce breast milk.
  • Consumption of foods or supplements that increase milk production. Supplements with kelabat content (fenugreek), often referred to as breast milk booster.
  • Give formula milk through breastfeeding position. If breast milk has not yet come out and the baby is still breastfeeding with formula milk, Mother can try to provide formula milk with a position such as breastfeeding from the breast.
  • Be patient. Do not expect this process to provide instant results. Your child may refuse to breastfeed for 1-2 weeks before he gets back used to it. Meanwhile, it may take several weeks for Mother's milk supply to increase.
If the production of breast milk is still not ideal, the mother may need to supplement the nutritional intake of the baby with donor milk, formula milk, or complementary solid food if the baby is more than six months old. Meanwhile, it is very important to continue to monitor the baby's weight gain to ensure that his nutritional needs are met properly

Eating A Childbirth, Safe or Dangerous

You may not be eager to eat or drink when you have entered labor. However, childbirth is hard work that is draining. Plus, at that time the delivery room usually feels hot which makes you sweat more, so it requires more energy supply. If the energy supply is insufficient, women who are approaching the process of giving birth may experience headaches, increasingly feeling the severity of labor, or even weakness. Furthermore, hunger and fatigue can slow down the stage of labor. This condition can then trigger medical intervention measures, such as administering drugs to speed up the stage of labor or other assistance measures.

Allowed for Low Risk Delivery

Most pregnant women feel hunger and thirst during childbirth, especially in the early stages of labor. In general, eating small portions during the birth process might actually be able to provide benefits as an energy source for pregnant women with low risk pregnancy before giving birth. In the past, pregnant women were often prohibited from eating and drinking during childbirth to avoid the risk of food being inhaled into the lungs or called aspiration, which can cause respiratory failure, a fatal condition. Under certain conditions, aspiration can develop into pneumonia or lung infection. According to research, aspiration during childbirth is quite rare and more likely to occur in pregnant women who get general anesthesia. This risk has significantly reduced in the modern era now. This is because there has been progress in the practice of using drugs. Instead of using general anesthesia, doctors usually administer epidural or spinal anesthesia in certain areas of the body, so that the patient does not really lose consciousness. However, remain vigilant that every pregnant woman may have a different medical condition.

Avoid Eating Under Certain Conditions

Eating is not allowed if you are certain to have a C-section, usually fasting is recommended about 6 hours before surgery and drinking water last at least 2 hours before surgery. Eating can only be allowed in low-risk pregnancies based on the results of a doctor's examination, eating is not recommended in pregnancies with certain risks, to avoid the risk of aspiration if an emergency Caesarean section needs to be done because of fetal distress. This is where the importance of regular pregnancy checks before delivery. Although some pregnant women are now allowed to eat and drink just before delivery, it is generally recommended to only consume snacks or drink only a limited amount of water. You may also not be allowed to eat or drink if you are inducting. Don't worry, if the induction lasts a long time, the doctor will give you a "break", so you can eat and drink water. Always consult about whether or not pregnant women eat and drink before delivery. Obstetricians and anesthetists will work together to assess individual patients.

Foods That Can Be Consumed During Birth

Carbohydrates are a good intake choice during labor. The reason is that the benefits of carbohydrates can be digested easily and give you energy gradually, so that it will help you through contraction. Carbohydrate intake can be obtained from the following foods.
  • Pasta, cereal or soup
  • Fresh biscuits or crackers
  • Sandwiches or toast
  • Yogurt.
Eat slowly and spend little by little, food is digested longer during labor, because blood flow will be prioritized in the uterus, this is also to avoid vomiting due to eating too much when giving birth. If you want to eat and drink during labor, ask your doctor or nurse if your condition allows. If allowed, you can choose some of the foods above. Eat small portions but often. In addition, remember to avoid high-fat foods because it is heavy to digest and sweet foods because it only gives energy for a moment.

Mother, These Rules are Safe to Use AC for Babies

Unlike adults, a baby's body cannot adjust to changes in temperature. Their sweat is still a little, so the body's ability to cool itself is also not perfect. When the weather is hot, the risk of overheating and dehydration in infants and children can take place quickly. However, do not let your child be cold due to excessive use of AC. Come on, see the rules of using air-conditioning that is safe for babies below.

Recommended AC Temperature

In general, being in an air-conditioned room is safer for babies than letting a newborn baby be exposed in a hot, musty or humid environment. However, don't also get it too cold, Mother. Too cold a temperature can significantly reduce a baby's body temperature and make him sick. For tropical countries, the ideal temperature for children is usually recommended to range between 23-25ºC. At this temperature, you can put a long cotton pajama on your little one, and give it a thin blanket. Then, the mother can adjust the temperature to 18-20ºC for newborns who are being swaddled or wear sleepsuit or tight nightgowns up to the soles of the feet. Use the automatic timer (timer) on the AC to monitor the duration of the AC in cooling the room. If the mother's air conditioner does not have a timer, use the alarm as a reminder. Meanwhile, if the air conditioner does not have a temperature indicator screen, put the thermometer in the room to find out the temperature. Adjust the temperature periodically, for example if the room feels too cold, raise the temperature. Conversely, if the room feels hot, lower the temperature. It aims to keep the temperature comfortable and safe for the baby, not to be too cold or too hot.

Benefits of Cool Temperature for Babies

Keeping the room temperature cool, such as using air conditioning during hot weather, can help prevent Sudden Death Infant Syndrome (SIDS) Syndrome and help babies sleep more comfortably. Cool temperatures can also help prevent medical conditions related to heat that are prone to occur in infants, such as dehydration, prickly heat in infants, fatigue due to heat, or even heat stroke or heat stroke. In addition to making sure your little one is in a cool room, make sure he gets enough to drink to prevent dehydration. Especially when the weather is hot, often offer the baby to suckle from the breast directly. Or, if the baby drinks formula milk, give extra milk. If you use air conditioning, service and clean the air conditioner regularly, make sure the room is well ventilated, so that there is good air exchange. The suggestion of using this air conditioner does not mean that your child must be in an air-conditioned room at all times. Give your child time to be able to stay active outdoors and also breathe fresh air, especially in the morning, but avoid sudden changes in temperature. Mother can turn off the air conditioner first, then give it time to adjust to the temperature outside the room. Mother, let's apply the rules of using air conditioning that is safe for babies so that your little one can sleep comfortably, but don't get sick from the cold.
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